We can change the future together; Give a child an opportunity to get education Every Month

250 million children are out of school globally. the good news? Let's continue to prove that if there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that access to quality education is a fundamental human right.

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Join the global community of education
candle igniters every month

When you contribute to EduHope, 100% of your donation directly supports educational initiatives in underserved communities.

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Join the community of education candle igniters now! Time is of the essence, especially with 250 million children worldwide out of school. Let's persist in demonstrating our unanimous belief that access to quality education is an essential human right. Don't delay; become a part of the movement today! The education crisis is massive, but together, we can solve it. Join Edu-Hope, the community of monthly givers around the globe supporting education.

Join EduHope

Get Involved

Education Changes Community

Step into a world where education is not just a classroom experience but a beacon of transformation for entire communities! Imagine a place where minds are ignited, possibilities are limitless, and the ripple effects are felt across every facet of society.

Join us on this extraordinary journey of transformation! Education is not just a tool; it's the catalyst that propels us into a future where our community thrives, evolves, and stands as a testament to the boundless power of knowledge.

The education crisis is vast, but together, with your support, we can make a difference. Join Edu-Hope and let's illuminate the path to a brighter, more educated future for all

Join EduHope
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Meet the Catalysts of Change: Our Community Transforming Lives!

Edu-Hope is a vibrant community comprised of individuals just like you—generous, passionate, and determined—spanning worldwide. Our members have collectively illuminated the path to education for countless lives, providing access to knowledge, empowerment, and a brighter future. Stand alongside us as we aim to impact millions more.

Nyasha Gwatidzo

"Grateful for Kosi Africa sponsoring education—lightening burdens, improving academics, and fostering hope for our students &apos futures."

Nyasha Gwatidzo

Lisa Hu

"Grateful for Kosi Africa sponsoring education—lightening burdens, improving academics, and fostering hope for our students &apos futures."

Lisa Hu

Onyedika 	Atuchukwu

"Grateful for Kosi Africa sponsoring education—lightening burdens, improving academics, and fostering hope for our students &apos futures."

Onyedika Atuchukwu

Ana Luisa Santos

"Grateful for Kosi Africa sponsoring education—lightening burdens, improving academics, and fostering hope for our students &apos futures."

Ana Luisa Santos

Trudy Schorzman

"Grateful for Kosi Africa sponsoring education—lightening burdens, improving academics, and fostering hope for our students &apos futures."

Trudy Schorzman

Sunday Jerome Salami

"Grateful for Kosi Africa sponsoring education—lightening burdens, improving academics, and fostering hope for our students &apos futures."

Sunday Jerome Salami

Copyright © 2024 Kosi Africa. All rights reserved. Kosi Africa is duly registered as a charity in Kenya, pursuant to Section 10 of the NGOs Co-ordination Act, 1990, under certificate No: OP.218/051/22-046/12595